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Wrestling Attorneys 3

Lyn Jenkins looked out her 21st floor corner office window. The crystal clear blue sky was near perfect, the warmth of the sun burning into her face. The sun's heat was almost as warm as her ass from the whipping she took last Friday at the hands of Sue Hopkins.

Lyn earned the corner office through her combative, legal acumen. She won more cases than anyone else in the firm. She won the respect of many in the courtroom and boardrooms in the city. She lost the respect of many of her female compatriots at Fuller, Hazelton, and Melton, her current employer, when she was humiliated last Friday.

Lyn's gaze looked out across the skyline, tall buildings, phallus symbols, pointing upward. Her gaze looked at one specific point, a building about a half-mile away, and a smaller building. Her stare was focused on the eighth floor. Lyn's gaze focused on the Dewey and Sharpe law firms' better female attorneys, Sue Hopkins.

Her loss to her arch-nemesis was humiliating. Besides having to jump and skip naked, she had to fuck a fairly large dildo and orgasm three times before a crowd of women. Lyn was humiliated. The Friday match was one thing but the e-mails that showed up in her in-box were totally humiliating.

After Lyn humped the monster dildo, she was forced to masturbate herself to orgasm without the dildo. The e-mail she opened Saturday morning showed her taking her whole fist in her pussy. A close-up showed her erect clit being massaged by her hand while her right hand was wrist-deep in her pussy.

Another e-mail that Lyn opened up showed her standing with her flaming red ass to the camera, on her tip toes, and her hands on the wall. Her right hand came up to her mouth because she knew what was next. The next jpeg showed Lyn with her hands against the wall and her struggling to get her pussy over the dildo that was mounted on the wall. Her facial expression showed it all: Orgasm. The crowd enjoyed her humiliation as she was jeered and laughed at.

Lyn's inbox must have had thirty e-mails related to the match and her nakedness. The worst e-mail had her final humiliation. Lyn had orgasmed twice and it was nearing midnight. Sue and her friends had gathered all of Lyn's clothes and 'Arthur Anderson' her garments. In other words, they shred her clothes while she was fucking herself while standing.

Without any clothes to wear and twenty minutes before twelve, Sue paid Lyn the last and final humiliation. Lyn was marched out the gym doors buck naked with five dollars in her hand. Lyn was ordered to walk through a late night drive through and order three diet cokes with no tray to carry them back. Any change could not be carried in her hands but rather somewhere creative. In order to prove that she did order the drinks and not someone else, the drive through personnel would have to write something original and the telephone number to the restaurant.

The ladies watched as Lyn jogged down the street, her flaming red cheeks looking like tail lights in the warm, dark night. She returned ten minutes later with the three cokes, most of it spilled on her tits and down her front.

"So, where's the change?" Sue demanded of her. This was the most embarrassing for Lyn. Without any coat packets and the lack of a tray to carry, Lyn carried the loose change in her mouth and the dollar bill was lodged in her ass.

The camera clicked and whirred away as Lyn was standing naked in the parking lot. The cokes at Sues' feet and Lyn picking the dollar out of her ass checks. She flinched as the reddened cheeks caused her some pain. The ladies in the parking lot laughed hysterically at Lyn trying to extract the dollar bill that had ridden up her ass.

Worse still, the proof that she did truly order the drinks naked was scrawled across her inner thigh, belly and ass. The word 'bitch' and 'hoe' were in all three places.

Lyn's gaze focused on the building across town. She had to regain her respect and humiliate that bitch across the way. "Bitch and hoe, eh, we'll see."

Over the next two weeks, Lyn endured the whistles and remarks from those that saw the pics and e-mails. She had successfully avoided Sue Hopkins and many from her firm.

On a gray, overcast day Lyn had endured as much as she could take. She had enough of the ass-smacking in the hall. She thought about the re-match and was nearly finished developing the re-match e-mail to Sue Hopkins.

Lyn re-read her e-mail as the rain drummed against her corner office windows.


I want a re-match with you, winner take all. I am proposing a true fight to the finish with more than just humiliation. The winner owns the loser for the rest of the weekend.

If you are prepared for such a competition, I further propose the following for the match:

1.Bikini match. Since you won the last match, you are entitled to wear black. 2.No prior shaving to the match, except for armpit. You must have a bush. 3.Three falls. A fall constitutes a pin held for three seconds. 4.If a top or bottom is lost, it cannot be returned or put back on. 5.The match will be in a ring with ropes. 6.To win the match, the final pin requires the loser to be completely stripped and on her back for three seconds. 7.After the loss, the loser will become the chattel property of the winner from Friday evening to Sunday night 10 PM. 8.The loser must submit to the winner and comply with whatever orders are given. Failure to comply with the request will end up with the loser's hair to be cut and shaved.

If you agree with these terms and conditions, please sign the hard copies that will be forwarded to your office, keeping one copy for your records.

Lyn Jenkins

It was after 6 PM when Sue Hopkins returned to the office and checked her e-mail. Sue's office was open and she let out,"you've got to be kidding me," when she read the e-mail from Lyn Jenkins.

Sue stared at the screen until one of her colleagues, Trudy Owens, popped her head in to see she if wanted to go out for a drink.

"Trudy, come one and take a read through this e-mail from Lyn Jenkins," Sue said to Trudy.

Trudy came into the office and read through the e-mail, smiled and looked up at her compatriot.

"She sounds pretty darn serious and wants to avenge her humiliation. I guess the pic's everyone has been e-mailing about has her seeing red," Trudy said. "You know, she is pretty darn vindictive and the part of being owned is a bit frightening. What do you want to do about the bitch?"

Sue thought about it for a while. "I think I need to start working out more and getting ready. Let's print this e-mail and talk it out over drinks," Sue responded to Trudy.

The two attorneys picked up two copies of the e-mail and headed for their favorite watering hole, The Bearded Clam, for a couple of drinks.

After a couple of drinks and some good hearted laughter at the match that has caused the re-match proposition, Sue and Trudy added a few additional points to the match.

Specifically, Trudy thought it would be more interesting if there was a fifteen minute intermission between falls. The first five minutes after the first fall, the winner can dominate the loser. If there is a second fall, the winner can dominate the loser again for five minutes.

With the final words penciled in as a draft, the e-mail draft would be returned to Lyn Jenkins.

Later that evening, a tipsy Sue and Trudy sent the reply back to Lyn Jenkins. After they sent it, an immediate reply from Lyn came back: Accepted as proposed. Lyn.

The proposed date was two weeks from this Friday. Both Sue and Trudy decided to get ready for the match.

In her office Lyn, sat back in her high-back leather chair and said, "Good, very good. Time for some payback."

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