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Xanthe Files XXX 2

With minimal effort Nicole let her legs spread wide, draping them over the sides of the machine and leaving her pussy laid out for Xanthe’s attention. Xanthe nuzzled her nose and cheek against Nicole’s puffy labia prodding her tenderly and kissing the soft flesh of her thighs.

With a sudden jerking motion Xanthe’s tongue broke Nicole’s slit and burrowed deep inside her. Nicole leaned back, a low longing moan pursing her lips as Xanthe’s tongue twirled erratically. Xanthe removed her tongue and greedily lapped at Nicole’s glistening skin offering the slightest amount of suction.

“Oh yeah,” was all Nicole could manage as she alternated between deep moans and short sharp cries. Xanthe furiously worked Nicole’s clit with the tip of her thumb, mashing the hardened nub and flicking it back and forth. Nicole was getting wetter and wetter, and gushing sounds carried to Xanthe’s ears as she again probed Nicole.

“How do you like that?” purred Xanthe pulling herself away from Nicole’s lap, her cheek and jaw line wet with Nicole’s juices. Nicole was panting frantically and offered a grunt in reply, her hand guiding the back of Xanthe’s head back into her lap. Xanthe eagerly returned to Nicole’s crotch.

A series of shrill cries filled the room as Xanthe plunged her tongue in and out of Nicole’s now sloppy pussy. She kissed and nibbled gently on Nicole’s erect clit. Nicole’s grip tightened on Xanthe’s hair and Xanthe could feel Nicole push her pelvis into her face almost smothering her.

Nicole mumbled incoherently as Xanthe lashed her sweet spot with generous helpings of tongue. She twisted and turned as Xanthe repeatedly slid up and down the length of her pussy. Xanthe could tell from Nicole’s cries and her shallow breathing that the boss’s daughter wasn’t far from climax.

Xanthe eased her slick index finger in under her tongue and prodded Nicole’s erogenous zone, a sigh telling her she had hit the right spot. The slow tapping of her finger and the squirming of her tongue was too much for Nicole and she let out an almighty cry.

“Ahhh, I’m cumming,” panted Nicole in a low voice. She immediately groaned as her body began to quiver, the violent orgasm surging through her limbs and a gush of warmth consuming her senses.

Xanthe sat back on her haunches looking up at the precariously balanced Nicole. All Nicole could manage was a cheeky smile. Xanthe knew the feeling well, and knew that she needed a sexual release.

Without saying a word Xanthe picked herself up off the floor and stood before Nicole, their eyes never breaking contact. Nicole remained unmoved. She had settled back onto the photocopier and eased her skirt back down over her exposed pussy.

Xanthe fumbled with the buttons of her wrinkled shirt, letting them fall open and tugging it away from her waist. Nicole watched on, unsure of exactly what Xanthe was going to do next. With minimal effort Xanthe let her business jacket slide off her shoulders and disappear behind her, falling in a heap on the floor.

“What … what are you doing?” Nicole asked, giggling nervously. Xanthe responded with an unflinching stare as she pulled her shirt open revealing her petite figure and black lace bra. The shirt joined the jacket on the floor as Xanthe grappled with the zipper to her skirt, within seconds it was loose and wrapped around her heeled shoes. She stepped elegantly out of the garment, wearing only her bra, matching thong and heels.

Hang on … what if?”

Xanthe brought her finger to her mouth and blew Nicole quiet. With a provocative wiggle of her hips the tiny black thong slid down her thighs and fell to her feet. Nicole looked down at Xanthe’s clean shaven mound, only the very top of her crease visible between her toned thighs. Xanthe took another effortless step forward and out of the discarded thong.

Nicole’s lips parted, about to make another objection when Xanthe’s flicked the clasp of her bra open and let it slide off her shoulders and onto the floor. A trail of clothes left in her wake, Xanthe stood only inches away from Nicole, wearing nothing more than her heels.

“We can’t do … there are still people in the build …” Nicole’s concerns were interrupted as Xanthe leant forward giving her a soft peck on the cheek.

“I know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have anymore fun,” she whispered into Nicole’s ears, she could see the fine hairs on the back of Nicole’s neck stand on end. Xanthe was tingling with anticipation. She could feel a solitary droplet of wetness slide from her pussy down her leg.

Xanthe took hold of Nicole’s trembling wrists and delicately pulled her forward and off the photocopier onto her feet. She strained her neck to meet the taller blonde’s lips and gave her a passionate kiss, their tongues grappling with each other. Xanthe could feel Nicole’s hands dance over the ridges of her spine, across her kidneys and onto her firm buttocks.

It was no surprise to Xanthe that Nicole was a little hesitant, they were in a very public place, and she held a special position within the firm which she did not want to jeopardize in such a compromising situation. Of course Xanthe cast those concerns aside, she wanted something, and she wanted it bad.

“Now it’s your turn to return the favor,” Xanthe said with a glint in her eye.

“We can’t … not in … we’ll get caught … you should get dress,” Nicole blurted out spasmodically. Xanthe didn’t respond to any of the jumbled remarks, just kept her focus on Nicole. Xanthe combed through her mind to find a quick solution to Nicole’s reservation, and it was so simple. Find a more secluded spot of the building, and Xanthe knew the perfect place.

“Follow me,” Xanthe said with a firmness which commanded Nicole to follow orders. Xanthe reached down and quickly scooped up her clothes but made no attempt to put them back on, nor cover herself in any way.

With a fleeting grip on Nicole’s hand she led the reluctant woman out of the copier room and down the hall, totally unconcerned with her personal situation. Both women ducked across from the coffee room, Nicole swearing she had seen someone’s shadow down the hall.

Xanthe stopped at the elevator hitting the button with force and turning to look at the obviously distracted Nicole. She gripped her forcefully around the hips and waited for her to turn and respond. As Nicole turned to look at Xanthe she found a probing tongue part her lips, followed by a tight embrace.

The elevator bell rung out and the door squeaked open. Nicole let out an audible gasp of relief that nobody was inside the elevator. Xanthe pulled her through the doors reaching behind her and mashing the floor buttons on no particular floor. The doors made the familiar sound of butting up against each other and the elevator began to slowly move upwards.

Xanthe stepped back and leaned on the arm rest which ran around the elevator at waist height. She tossed her bundle of clothes to the opposite side of the small room before stepping back to Nicole, pretending to offer her a kiss but diverting at the last moment to hit the emergency stop button, thus killing the elevators momentum and leaving them stuck between floors.

Xanthe swung Nicole by her wrists past her and up against the rear wall of the elevator. “Right, lose the clothes and lets get busy,” her voice an erotic mix of lust and mischief.

Nicole was a little taken aback by Xanthe’s sudden forcefulness but knew that she was dead serious in her demeanor. Nicole began to slowly unbutton her blouse, fumbling a little. Xanthe had little patience and pounced on Nicole’s wavering hands, almost tearing her blouse open. Within moments Nicole’s jacket and blouse were on the ground and Xanthe was tugging her ruffled skirt free.

Nicole had a very lean figure, tall and sinuous, with a healthy radiant aura. Xanthe breathed in her perfumed scent before pulling their bodies together and leading her back into the elevator wall. Nicole bent over and nibbled on Xanthe’s shoulder, Xanthe looking past her at the mirrored walls, glancing at Nicole’s body from every angle.

“Now it’s your turn,” demanded Xanthe. She lowered her petite body down the mirrored wall sitting in the corner of the room, her legs spread out before her, and her ass just forward of the rest of her body. The wall was cool to touch as her shoulder blades pressed against it.

Nicole got down on her knees in front of Xanthe’s adoring gaze. She crept forward on her elbows closer and closer, as if she was stalking the fiery red head that was trapped in the corner. She stopped and gazed at Xanthe’s subtle pink flesh, laid out and begging for attention.

“That’s it, taste it,” urged Xanthe she ran her fingers through Nicole’s wavy blonde hair, cupping the back of her head and guiding her closer. Xanthe watched as Nicole’s long tongue ran out before her and inched ever closer, making the faintest of touches. Xanthe squirmed as Nicole’s wet tongue ran up the base of her pussy and across her shaven mound in one long flowing motion. “Go on eat it.”

Xanthe knew Nicole was hot for it, and felt her lips softly clamp over her engorged folds and begin to rub them up and down, her tongue lashing at her slick flesh. She closed her eyes and felt a warm glow begin to consume her, the recalcitrant tongue of Nicole’s covering ever minute spot of her crease.

“Eat me, eat me now,” commanded Xanthe. Nicole obliged sucking back on her labia and plunging her tongue into Xanthe’s love canal. Within moments Xanthe could feel herself being worked to a well deserved climax. Nicole’s fingers scoured their way over her pussy, coaxing and teasing Xanthe’s clit from it’s sheathe.

Xanthe swore out loud as Nicole began to tap her erect clit and her tongue found Xanthe’s sweet spot. A feeling like lightning coursing through her body sent Xanthe into a spasm as Nicole worked her increasingly quickly. She moaned as two of Nicole’s long and slender fingers penetrated the base of her slit and roughly finger fucked her hole.

“Oh shit, I’m going to cum!” screamed Xanthe pushing Nicole further into her lap and clamping her thighs around her ears. “Here it comes.”

Nicole clearly wasn’t prepared for how big Xanthe’s orgasm was, as she pulled away a faint squirt hit her chin, she paused unaware of what to do. “Suck on me,” cried Xanthe.

Nicole opened her mouth just as Xanthe’s dam burst and a steady gush of juices sprayed out of her and into Nicole’s mouth. Xanthe shook violently her muscles contracting and relaxing as she squeezed ever last bit of sexual energy out of herself.

Xanthe took a deep breath and let go of her grip on Nicole. The tall blonde rolled clear of Xanthe and lay on her back both women totally spent from the furious session of lovemaking.

“Oh my God!” cried a concerned Nicole, sitting up quickly and turning to face a limp Xanthe. “I left my thong in the copier room.”

Xanthe tried to bite her tongue, but it was no good as she burst out in laughter, her jovial response infecting Nicole as both women shared the joke.

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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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