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Xanthe Files XXX 8

Xanthe nuzzled against the swollen tits brushing them with her cheek and nose, her warm breath tantalizing to Sheila whose breathing had become deeper and more concentrated. Xanthe’s tongue gently flickered over the hard bud. Sheila stirred in an effort to encourage Xanthe into doing more.

Xanthe’s hand slid down Sheila’s soft stomach and over her bunched up skirt finding the inside of her thighs. She fingered the sides of Sheila’s panties wrapping the fabric around her index finger and slowly but surely pulling the lace away. Sheila watched as Xanthe tenderly caressed her aching tits, her panties being peeled away below her.

A sudden rush of cool air greeted Sheila’s moist crotch. With a subtle nudge Xanthe parted Sheila’s legs further allowing her to position herself between them. Xanthe almost inhaled the shop keeper’s nipple sucking hard on it, causing Sheila to buck and let out a short yelp.

With one hand cupping Sheila’s full breast, her mouth sucking on it, Xanthe’s other hand was busy searching Sheila’s tender sex. Her soft prodding was met by the spongy feel of Sheila’s labia, she delicately brushed it with her fingertip making Sheila stir further.

Without any warning Xanthe let her middle finger sink down to its knuckle in Sheila’s damp crotch, her finger probing and prodding Sheila’s interior. A deep moan broached Sheila’s lips as she relaxed her shoulder blades against the wall, thrusting her pussy onto Xanthe’s hand.

“How about I eat you out?” suggested a naughty Xanthe. Her infectious grin spread to Sheila’s face and she all but nodded her approval, resigned to her fate. Xanthe lowered herself to Sheila’s crotch her nose running through Sheila’s untamed forest of hair. It was a bizarre sight for Xanthe who had never seen a woman with so much pubic hair. She let her finger twirl through the curly black hairs before returning to the main purpose that she found herself between Sheila’s legs.

Laid out before Xanthe was Sheila’s glazed skin, her folds pink and wrinkled in a familiar flowering shape. She breathed in the shop keeper’s tangy scent, an intoxicating smell which forever drove Xanthe on. With a quick dip Xanthe tasted Sheila’s juices fueling her own fire.

Xanthe’s tongue dove deep into Sheila’s entrance gathering her sweet taste from the walls of flesh which greeted her. With a long drawn out lash Xanthe twirled her tongue around and began to thrust it in and out of Sheila at an increasing pace. Sheila went into a full body shudder as she panted and groaned from Xanthe’s furious licking.

With her supple fingers Xanthe teased out Sheila’s hooded clit exposing it to the air, and her adoring gaze. Xanthe tapped on the erect button causing a corresponding rush of juices to flow over her tongue deeply buried within Sheila.

Xanthe withdrew her tongue and nibbled ever so lightly on Sheila’s puffy labia making her way to the upright clit. With a soft loving kiss Xanthe took the clit in her lips and rubbed it with a purposeful motion. Sheila bucked and threw her head back, her stifled cries filling the room as she approached climax.

After a short nibble Xanthe tore herself away from Sheila and gazed into her eyes. “I think it’s about time you used one of those on me,” said the horny shop keeper. She nodded towards the two sex toys which sat beside her on the bench.

“What about management’s hygiene policy?” posed Xanthe with a wry smile.

“Fuck management,” replied Sheila, “the boss doesn’t pay me enough anyway.”

Xanthe grasped the vibrator in one hand, and the dildo in the other. Sheila grinned maniacally as she watched the two toys disappeared between her legs. Xanthe rolled the tip of the vibrator in her mouth leaving a trail of saliva gleaming on its surface. With Sheila’s assistance Xanthe teased the woman’s clit back to the surface and let the dull vibrations of the toy surge through the hardened bud.

Sheila let out a passionate cry and then gasped as she tried to catch her breath from the sudden stimulation. Xanthe slid the toy along her slit stimulating her entire pussy before placing it back on Sheila’s clit.

As Sheila bucked and swayed to the pleasurable vibrations Xanthe was grasping the twelve inch dildo. Xanthe led the floppy rubber shaft across Sheila’s aching pussy letting it slide back and forth in her wetness before teasing Sheila’s love canal with the head of the toy.

“You ready?” posed a devilish Xanthe. “I’m going to give you the fucking of your life.”

Xanthe’s dirty talk caused Sheila to giggle momentarily. As Sheila watched on Xanthe brought the weighty rubber cock to her mouth and ran its head across her cheek and into her mouth. She sucked and swirled her tongue across it in a seductive and suggestive display.

“You like a cock don’t you?” purred Sheila getting in on the act.

“Only if they are big … and rubber,” Xanthe replied in low lusty tone. She giggled as the dildo closed in on Sheila’s parted slit.

The head of the rubber cock breached Sheila’s slick pussy. With little effort or force the cock slid deeper and deeper into Sheila. Her legs kicked past Xanthe as the toy hit a nerve and sent a shiver up her spine.

“That’s it, take that big rubber cock,” purred Xanthe. “Feel it fill you up.” Sheila moaned in response as Xanthe began to retract the toy almost letting it slip out of Sheila before letting it penetrate again.

“Now you’re going to get it,” Xanthe said with an impish grin. She leaned in on Sheila and took one of her heavy tits in her mouth. With a soft suckling motion she began to thrust the dildo at an increasing pace.

As Sheila began to climax Xanthe fidgeted with the vibrator controls setting it to its quicker setting. The intense stimulation of the vibrator in concert with the grinding of the dildo and sucking of Xanthe threw Sheila over the top.

“Oh I’m there,” cried an excited Sheila feeling her orgasm spread across her body. Xanthe pulled herself away from the spent Sheila bringing the vibrator to her own aroused pussy. Within moments Xanthe had brought herself to climax as the powerful vibrations of the toy dipped inside her.

Both women straightened themselves out and Sheila disappeared back to the shop counter leaving Xanthe alone with her cat-suit and the toys. With a mischievous grin Xanthe dressed in her business suit strolled to the cash register to pay for the items.

“I think I’ll take those,” beamed Xanthe. Sheila smiled in response, scanning the cat-suit but leaving the toys where they were.

“Those are on the house,” Sheila said fondling the toys. “We get new display stock in ever other week, so they won’t be missed.”

“Thanks,” responded Xanthe as she took possession of her shopping bags and paid. Xanthe turned to leave the store taking a couple of steps before she heard the shop keeper call out.

“Hey, what’s your name?” asked Sheila inquisitively. Xanthe smiled back and waved as she opened the door and walked out, leaving a confused Sheila behind the counter.

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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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