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Writer's Block 3

Without waiting for a response, Laya jumped the gun, giggling loudly. She had her hand on my neck, our foreheads and noses touched and I could feel Justin watching, his blue eyes blazing lustfully into my back.

I pecked Laya softly on the chin, just enough to taste her but not hard enough to feel her, then turning my head I looked back to see whether he was enjoying the show. He was. So was Laya, who whispered into my ear as my head was turned, "Sure you're ready?"

Determined there was no going back, I breathed deeply and nodded.

Justin approached us holding our drinks. Gazing directly at Laya, he ordered me to undress her.

"All right," I interjected, staring at the ever receptive girl.

Smiling coyly, she placed her finger on my chin and slid it down my throat to my collar bone, then finally between my cleavage where it hooked the top of my dress. She pulled it slowly, looking at me instead of at Justin.

Knowing I was blushing and returning her gaze, I understood I had taken a step further into Laya's darkly gripping world.

My breasts came free and quickly after Laya, using both hands, pulled the fabric down past my stomach and over my hips, letting it fall to the floor.

"My turn," I whispered softly.

Expertly working buttons and clasps free, her dress came loose and I held it there momentarily, battling away one last ounce of anxiety.

Then, allowing it to fall to the floor I viewed the expected; she wasn't sporting a bra, leaving us wearing only panties. Calmly lifting her hands over her head, she quite intentionally allowed her breasts to graze my own, pleasantly sparking sensual explosions along my spine.

Having placed our drinks on the night table, Justin stood beside us, loosening his tie. Obviously excited; his intentions spoke for themselves in the form of his rising masculine barometric indicator of things to come.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it as Laya's hands slid down my bare chest to my waist and her fingers caught the tie up straps of my panties. She tugged until they too, dropped to the floor, puddling around my feet. She then slipped her own down her slender legs, tossing them aside with her toe.

Not wanting us to be the only ones naked, I reached over and pulled Justin's tie until it came free. Tossing it aside, I immediately went to work on his belt. He helped by tearing his shirt off. The little dear...

I felt Laya slide up behind me, kissing my shoulder blade. She was watching me, guiding me, acting as mentor in an outlandish tutorial.

Obviously enthralled by the presence of two call girls, Justin, having removed the remainder of his clothes, waited patiently for our next move. Actually, all rested on the expertise of Laya as I hadn't a clue to what she wanted me to do.

I tried to avert my eyes from his erection, though it was difficult to avoid due to his height, its size and its proximity to Laya's breasts. I felt him stir as she daringly took my hand and placed it on him. The moist tip felt good as I ran my palm over it.

"The bed is through there," he said, pointing toward the next room.

Completely naked now, we followed him and I found myself thinking the outrageous he had a cute butt, certainly not one used to lounging in leather chairs all day. In a flash, it struck me that I had thought the same of Laya's pretty ass just moments before. What was happening to me?

Laya quickly pulled me onto the bed, saying, "Heather, come lie on your side; let me spoon with you."

Nuzzling her ear I whispered, "What about him?"

Gazing into his eyes, she commented, "He knows what he wants, don't worry." Giggling as she helped me roll over, her smooth naked skin slid against mine as she settled, resting her hand on my knee, pulling it up a little to slide it between my thighs. Witnessing this sultry move, I don't think Justin knew quite what to do.

But he lifted one knee up onto the bed and shuffled himself forward until his long rigid cock pressed against my lips.

"Open for him Thea," Laya whispered, stroking my jaw.

The comment caught the man's attention as he promptly asked, "Just how new is all of this to you Heather?"

Running my index finger from his balls to his perineum I murmured, "I'll let you be the judge."

Without missing a beat, I responding to Laya's order allowing his erection past my parted lips. He swiftly found his way to the back of my throat. Its taste a reminder that his was only the second cock I had ever sucked. Oddly, I savored it, nursing it gently; using my tongue the way Russ had loved it. It was all I knew.

The two men were different though. Justin's dick, thick and hard, felt wet and hot against my tongue, while Russell's had been slender and long.

Breaking the spell of my momentary lapse into remembrance, Laya watching me carefully, touched my breasts and whispered tricks in my ear.

"Breathe through your mouth," she advised.

I did and looked up, watching Justin's reaction as his eyes rolled back in his head. She was good, this strange girl.

Laya didn't touch him and gave little indication she wanted to. She had almost continuously touched me however and I was enjoying the subtlety of her feminine caresses. In what was transforming itself into a searingly heated moment, I was drawn by contact with this special woman, even interpreting her expert stimulation as a reward for my special variety of bravery and frankly, for my skillful brand of fellatio.

But all that aside, things had become one-sided and I didn't wish to put on a show for either of these unlikely companions. Gripping the thick base of the slightly oozing cock lodged deeply in my mouth, I popped it out and lifted it to Laya's pouting lips; a trail of thick saliva and precum following in its wake. Then turning, it was I who watched her skillful sucking. Poetry in motion, she was every bit the professional and she knew it.

Feeling the presence of fingers on my mound, and expecting Laya, I looked down to see Justin touching me. Smiling, I spread my legs, stretching the damp lips as he flicked my hood slowly with the smoothness of his nail.

In an attempt to stifle the moan arising from my throat, and experiencing a mysterious urge to take him back in my mouth, I lowered myself only to find Laya already there, slurping at his cock, her mouth and chin wet with dribbles of spit, something I strangely enjoyed the intimacy of and which she didn't attempt to wipe away.

With his penis consumed by the beautiful call girl, I busied myself, burying my face in his heavy balls, wetting them with my mouth and blowing cold air across them.

As I stood again, he reached down and slipped a finger into my slit, where he tweaked the roof of my love canal. It had been so long since I had a man inside me, something I wanted to shout, but hesitated, knowing it was relevant only to me and would reveal the extended dry spell of my sexual inexperience.

Despite what was rapidly becoming a moment of sexploration, one breaking into my previously sheltered world, I followed Peter's advice, compelling a certain part of myself to 'stand aside' observing the actions of people I had known only a few hours, as they devoured me.

Suddenly, Laya popped the head of his cock from her mouth and using her delicate hand, inserted it back in my own. Gurgling sounds filled the room as she shafted my throat, and I relaxed my tongue as she thrust him forward, his belly button touching my forehead. There, I thought, my eyes watering slightly from the unfamiliar exertion, I've done it; I've opened my throat to a man. Such a peculiar form of accomplishment, I mused to myself.

"That's it, Heather," Laya whispered into my ear, "Suck it all down."

Acknowledging her encouragement with a slight nod, I wanted to smile in triumph but my lips were stretched tightly, causing my eyes to well with tears. So instead, reaching back and taking Laya's hand, I pulled it between my thighs.

She pushed her nose into my hair and sucked hotly on my earlobe, as one of her fingers joined Justin's and together they flicked and massaged my aching sex.

It was true, what they say about sex; the more you have the more you want. The atmosphere on the bed was hot and I wanted more.

Gasping for air, I pushed back on his stomach and he slid from my mouth. A thread of saliva glistened from my lips to the glorious crown of his purple cock, then, breaking under its own weight, it fell to the bed and I looked up at Justin, expressing to him with my mascara stained eyes, exactly what I wanted. I knew he understood.

Rolling over, I pushed Laya onto her back, sending her dark hair flying haphazardly across her dazzling face. Lifting one leg, I straddled her, my bottom high in the air.

The bed creaked as Justin moved up behind me. I felt his hands on my buttocks as his cock bumped against my puckered hole, and strangely, I didn't falter. Looking down at Laya, her eyes now wide and aware, and perhaps showing a glint of surprise, she smiled, as if proud of the day's accomplishments, as if pleased with me for having braved her strange underworld.

Unexpectedly, Justin didn't put his dick in my ass, but rather opted for the sweet spot in my vagina. I lifted my head and didn't object as he grabbed a fistful of my red mane, pulling my neck back and making me shout as he lunged deeply into me.

With Justin now buried in my pussy, my mental attentions turned to the call girl, wanting her to suck my nipples which tingled and ached for her. But even in the midst of this outlandish scene, I hesitated to ask her, preferring instead that she want it, that she might rather know instinctively what to do. In an emotional reverse, everything had changed and I now wanted her to desire me.

Were it not, I thought, for the distraction rendered by the tidal wave of sexual tension on the bed, I might have had time to be terrified at what I was feeling toward this enigmatic young woman, whose sexuality in one brief day seemed to have absorbed my own. The writer and thinker had become the conquest of her own subject.

But all thought ended by the distraction of Justin's full length plunging into my depths. He withdrew his slick cock, only to shaft me again and again. My clit scraped against Laya's pubic mound and I clenched my teeth, wanting him to release my hair so I could lean down and drink in her dark, enchanting lips. Marveling at what was happening, I wanted to taste her fully, wanted to drag every ounce of passion from her mouth.

But he didn't let me go and I didn't get to kiss her.

Instead, he smacked my rump, leaving my cheeks tingling as I yelped in pleasure.

"Here," I heard Laya say, as she offered her fingers to fellate while Justin spanked my bottom. Taking them between my lips, I sucked on each as he continued.

I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of hearing me react. Searching Laya's face, I knew she understood I had passed through a crucial portal. I was no longer willing to be trodden into submission by a man, especially one who was paying me.

The peculiar fact was that Laya and I had transitioned from adversaries to friends, from New York to Seattle, to a merging of women, both seeking a way through life that harbored some semblance of dignity and respect. It was a fascinating moment of triumph for each of us and I knew we both understood our lives would be intertwined thereafter.

Justin grunted and pulled his member from the grasping petals of my slit. Pushing me off Laya, he sat back. His chest was heaving and his skin flushed.

"You're doing great Heather," Laya said smiling at me. "I knew you could be a whore."

There, she had used the word, the one I had previously employed so offhandedly and it hit me like a slap in the face, making me regret my earlier indiscretion. Caressing her cheek, I whispered, "I'm so sorry sweetheart."

Nodding in acknowledgment, she rolled onto her stomach as she backed up on her hands and knees until her dripping vagina nudged against Justin's erection.

Leaning forward I helped her position herself for what was to come, her lovely little ass bobbing in the air. She flicked her hair to the side and looked over at me with half closed eyes.

Justin suddenly smacked her and she drew a deep breath. Effortlessly, she had made him think he was in control. He struck her again and her dark skin reddened. Taking her hand, I squeezed it tightly. 'So that's truly the game,' I reasoned. Squeezing it again, she opened her eyes and with a wide smile, moved her lips silently in praise of me.

"Move up," Laya said, patting the bed in front of her. I repositioned and spread my legs for her. She kept bobbing her ass on Justin's lap, but I knew her real attention was drawn to my sex. Keeping her thumb loose to play with my clit, she pushed four fingers into me, curling them upwards, feeling the spongy roof of my pussy.

She found a slow, grinding rhythm that turned my bones to jelly. My head tipped back, and my hair strewn across my face. She was going to make me orgasm I knew it.

"Get down here," Justin's deep voice suddenly panted. Opening my eyes I saw he was pointing to his engorged cock. I groaned, not wanting to move away from Laya's fingers. But he was the client and seemed frustrated by the attentions that two women he had purchased were paying to each other.

Laya tried to keep her fingers in me but the angle was awkward. I crawled over her back and held my chin just above her ass.

"You want to cum for me, big man?" I asked, opening my mouth, "Can I have your hot cream?"

He grunted, shoving Laya off his lap I jumped on him and the taste and smell of her sweet juices abruptly collided with my senses.

And then his cock started pumping as hot slashes of thick liquid splashed over my open mouth, landing with a silent thud on my teeth. I tried to keep my face set in a smoldering display of daring sexuality but couldn't help myself when a rivulet struck my eye, causing me to jerk back. Momentarily stunned by the burning sensation of his sperm, I reacted by breaking into a grin.

I had almost forgotten how much I loved the feel and look of it; an exploding cock that came so hard that its sperm bucked against my lips and face. Every vein of him was purple and pronounced; so rigid his slit was just a tiny hole, causing his cum to spout, rather than dribble into my open mouth. Instinctively, I prepared to swallow but a whisper of caution filled the air, stopping me.

"Don't Heather," I heard Laya say. "Hold it for me - for us."

Carefully wiping the thick sperm from my eyelid, I did as she asked, pushing what had missed its target, into my mouth, containing his entire load on my tongue and refusing to allow it to slide down my throat. Instead, I pressed my messy lips together to lock it in.

Then I took Laya's hand, guiding it to my sex, shivering when she slid her fingers back inside me. I was so close, and she knew exactly what to do. With my mouth filled with Justin's ejaculate, I lay back and allowed Laya to tongue my clit, her fingers firmly lodged in my incredibly stretched vagina. This time her thumb entered my rectum, working its magic as our now spent customer, sat at the bedside gazing in amazement, watching as my orgasm rumbled forward.

I could feel it as my anus clenched itself around Laya's thumb. After screaming in delight, I gradually calmed. Laya's face, covered with the juices of my cunt, drifted to mine where she began to lick the remaining semen from my eyes, forehead and cheeks. After lapping up the nourishing milk like a kitten, she moved to my mouth.

I opened for her, sharing a deep kiss, tasting hot sperm. Laya's sweetness and my own juices, all mingled into a witch's brew of sensual rapture. Our mouths remaining joined in exploration for what seemed an eternity as we wallowed in each other's arms, trading droplets of cum from one mouth to another.

Finally parting and looking deeply into one another's eyes, we simultaneously swallowed, strangely signifying the oneness we had become, melded by the now immaterial man who sat by, representing little more than a mechanical contributor of a few drops of nectar from which an embryonic new love had just flowered.

Laboring slightly, Laya cleared her throat of its thick glaze and whispered in a leaden voice; "Now... my dazzling new friend, you're ready to start your book."

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