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Wrong Address

Well I guess that is one benefit of going away for a week; I have a big pile of mail waiting for me. I dumped the load on the dining room table and started sorting through it. Bill, bill, junk, junk, ... not for me, not for me, ... bill, not for me. Does the mailman use a white cane or a seeing eye dog?

By the time I finished, the 'not for me' pile was almost as big as my pile. Mine mostly junk mail. They all had yellow change of address stickers on them. Sheila Johnson? What a screw up someone made. I looked closer. They have my apartment number on the label. Damn.

Out of the shower, still drying off, naked, I stood in front of the open fridge looking for something to eat for breakfast. It was pretty empty in there. The cold air against my bare skin feels great. For a moment, my nipples agree. As I rub a finger idly over my pussy, I realize I probably need to go to the grocery store later. At least there is one yogurt left. Nothing else. Pathetic.

The towel tossed on the counter, some drops of water still standing on my skin, I leaned back against the counter. A foot hiked high against the edge of the island stretching my long leg, I put a spoonful of strawberry yogurt in my mouth. It rolled across my tongue as I pressed it against the roof of my mouth for a second. I loved the thickness and texture. Reminded me of the evening when Susan let me eat my yogurt out of her pussy. Wow! What a wonderful mixture of tastes that was. Too bad she had to move so far away. No more 'fuckbuddy'. I need a pussy to eat once in a while, need to be eaten. A finger probes my pussy for a second. Yes, I need to be eaten. I'm so horny. I finger myself longer this time.

A small drop falls from the spoon and lands on my nipple. I take the spoon and scrape along the skin of my breast to scoop it up. The cold metal makes my nipple stand up nicely again. Using the bottom of the spoon, I smear a little more yogurt over the end of the nipple until it is completely covered in the reddish paste. A fingertip rubs across the erect nipple transferring much of the now warm yogurt leaving a little more for a second swipe.

I start to open my car door and realize a new car is parked on the other side. Maybe someone has moved into that empty apartment next door. Hope it isn't some loud bunch of college students like last time. Could that mail belong to that apartment? Not in a big rush, no longer starving after that yogurt. Still wanting something more personal to eat too. Sheila, could she...?

Mail in hand, I knocked on the door. It was too late to stop as I heard a voice.

"Oh baby! ... Fuck Momma ... Be right back."

The door opened just enough to see her standing there, nothing on. She was a goddess with curves in all the right places, nice breasts and shaved crotch. Her long brown hair was disheveled like she had been fucking all night. Vibe in her hand, tip resting on what appeared to be very kissable lips. My eyes were taking it all in, so obvious I was staring.

"Just fucking Fred. Can I help you?"

"Fred? I think I have some of your mail Sheila. I live next door."

"Come in. I'm a bit of a wreck until I get my morning fuck."

"Maybe I should come back."

She waved the vibe side to side a few times. "Fred's happy."

"Ah, the vibe is Fred?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry. He's the only guy who gets down there. Rather have a gal. You interested?"

The fact that she was standing there, naked to the world, and so blaze about that and her casual invitation, caught me a little off guard, but I snapped back quickly to the reality of the situation.

"If you don't mind." After all, Susan was gone, and I really did love doing just that. "I'm Julie."

I shut the door behind me. Her hand wrapped around mine as she led me quickly to the bedroom. My eyes were glued to a perfect ass that swayed back and forth in front of me.

We stood by the bed, face to face, lips to lips, kissing. My hands touching her bare skin all over her body, her hand rubbing my breast as if trying to move it all over my chest. I loved the hard contact, the physicalness of her touches there and other places. She was a damn fine kisser, the way her tongue explored my mouth, the way our tongues battled each other as they forced their way back and forth between her mouth and mine, all so nice. Love not needed right now, just a good fuck.

As my fingers shoved their way into her cunt, it was sopping wet like the tides had come in and not gone out yet.

"Oh baby that feels good. Love those fingers inside me."

She pulled me onto the bed. Together we removed what few clothes I had on, just my dress and sneakers.

"I don't wear..."

"Me either."

Sheila lay with her legs spread wide, her pussy swollen from before I arrived and begging for more. I was so ready to oblige. My face just inches away, my fingers teasing the lips on either side of the dripping pink opening. The first long lick covered my tongue with her delicious honey. A moan, a silent scream, let me know she approved and wanted more. I nibbled, sucked, and licked each lip from the bottom to the top. A hard stroke of my tongue across the tip of her clit brought a louder moan, a louder scream. It was already protruding, begging to be sucked as my lips wrapped around it and treated it to what it wanted, what it was demanding, what it needed.

Her fingers pulled at her nipples, her legs spread even wider, and her hips humped my face as she began to cum for the first of many times that morning, and for me as well.

"Do you welcome all your new neighbors that way?"

"Do you always open the door that way?"

"Good point."

"I used to have a girlfriend that I hooked up with on a regular basis just to have sex. She moved away not long ago. Maybe you and I can do this again?"

"Would be nice to have a 'fuckbuddy' next door. Fred might like a rest too."

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Submitted by : Anonymous
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Disclaimer: All posted stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased.

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