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Yellow G string

My cousin Jess was gripping onto an empty wineglass in her hand and lazily slurping out a few corny words to a drunken guy leaning against a wall.

"Ooohhh...I like your stubble...It's so sexy... Like sandpaper." She said to the guy, touching his face and giggling. I could see where this was leading.

"Party's over, its time to go home." I told her, "I'm calling a taxi."

I hauled Jess out of the party room. She was stoned or drunk, which was unlike her. She could hardly walk. She kept stumbling over her rather high-heels, and swinging her hips out to try and maintain her balance. I held one arm around her tiny waist and the other around the nape of her neck, under which her long blonde ponytail fountained over. Her white Lyra top had a silver embossed pattern on it, and stopped above her belly button. I felt her naked flesh around her midriff with my supporting arm.

"You must have drunk a lot." I said annoyed.

"I only drunk one glass, I swear." Jess said, slurring her words, the dilated pupils in her eyes lying to me.

Our taxi pulled up. I pushed Jess into the taxi against a window, and myself beside her.

"Where to?" The driver asked.

"28 Rhomes st." I ordered. I would take my cousin back to my Aunt's place.

"Looks like a hard night out girls?" The taxi driver said, taking a look at Jess. Jess was a "stunner" and everyone looked at Jess. She was a little on the short side, but slim and delicate with a heart shaped face and pouted lips. And her hair was so blonde it was almost white. How come she got all the hot genes? I wondered, a little jealous.

Jess's body flopped back onto mine when the taxi started driving. I pushed her back forcibly against the wall, but she was on me again like a sack of potatoes.

"Don't push me," she said, giggling, "let's do some cousinly bonding."

"You're trashed. You don't know what you're saying." I told her.

She put her slim arms around my nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. But instead of smelling of alcohol, her breath smelt of fresh mints and I could smell her perfume.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She responded by pressing her big lips against my face. I felt smothered. Pretending to be disgusted, I pushed her aside. She giggled again.

"I'm having some fun." She said. With one of her fingers, she pressed my nose gently. "Don't you want some fun?"

"You're off your face." I told her. But then there was something erotic about the smallness and vulnerability of her body. She was much smaller than me and cuddled up like a little kitten. I let her hold onto me for a little longer, and when she pressed against my lips again I opened up my mouth to let her wet soft tongue inside. I felt her tongue explore the roof of my mouth and then slide under the base of my tongue.

Jess began untying the lace my peasant-styled shirt was tied up with. I liked the delicacy of which her fingers moved with against my breasts like butterfly wings and let her. My black bra was exposed. She sank her head heavily into my chest, above my breasts. My heart began to beat heavily as I felt the warmth and weight of her head. I rested my chin on her blonde hair and felt the light flittering of her heart.

I felt one of her hands tracing its way up my leg, and stopped at my knee. I sighed. It squeezed my leg slightly, sending shivers up me. My skin was becoming ultra sensitive. Then it progressed upwards, stroking the flesh of my inner thigh, and then the area covered by my mini skirt. Her hands swept down and searched for me inside my g-string. Teasingly, she flicked the back of the g-string backwards, then she withdrew her hand and closed her eyes.

Feeling responsible for my drunken cousin, but wanting the touch of her butterfly fingers, I wasn't sure what to do. My mother and Jess's mother were very close; and Jess and I were good friends as well as cousins. I had been attracted to her on many occasions; but as far as I knew, she was as straight as a broomstick. The thing I liked most about Jess was her natural friendliness and affection she showered everyone with. Men were always interpreting that the wrong way, and I was becoming scared that I could now be interpreting her the wrong way too.

Jess seemed to be falling asleep, and loosing interest in our little fling. Her eyelids were fluttering as she was struggling to keep her eyes open. I was becoming very tense as I was becoming horny looking at her body; and wanted things to progress, although I knew it was wrong.

I began to feel the sensation down there, in my private spot. I reached out and put my hand on her retracted hand, and rested it there. I could feel the tendons inside of her hand and her knuckles. Her eyes were shut, but her face was turned towards me.

Cautiously, I guided her hand down the back of her jeans. Then she pulled her hand away from mine and rested it on my shoulder. I kept my hand inside of her jeans.

"Do you wanna feel me?" Jess asked sleepily. Then she giggled again.

I felt the roundish moons of her buttocks, and then traced her canal, dipping slightly into her arse, and then tracing her crack down as far as I could with her bottom resting on the seat. She lifted her bottom up slightly, so I could get my hand up further. I felt some wetness on my hand and the delicate folds of skin where her slit opened. Everything about her body seemed so fragile. She gently moved her hips so the skin between her legs pulled against my hand, massaging herself. Then she opened her eyes and stared at me.

"I guess its mine turn to touch you," Jess said, "you know, you're the first girl I'm about to touch."

I wanted to pretend that Jess loved me, as I loved Jess. I wanted to pretend that Jess wanted me. I wanted to pretend that she found my long nose and mousy hair sexy, and that she had fantasised about my body as I had about hers. My body seemed so large framed and discombobulated, compared to her smallness and light coordinated movements. Even now that she was drunk, she seemed so flowing with movement. Despite this, I wasn't ugly. Perhaps even more attractive than average, as most people in our family were.

Her eyes were bright grey, the same as mine. I was longing. Hers were experimenting.

"You always look so sophisticated and business like." She told me, as though knowing my hang ups about my appearance. "Let's get back to business." She giggled again.

Her fingers moved back up under my miniskirt. This time they slid in under my g-string. She used two fingers, and forced them under the weight of my body so that all the newtons in me forced me down onto her hand. It was sensational. I could feel the electricity coming over me. My miniskirt was covering her hand for subtleness in case the taxi driver turned around.

The taxi came to a halt. We were at my Aunt's house. Irritated and horny, I pushed Jess away from me and opened up my wallet paying the driver with a twenty-dollar note. I couldn't be bothered collecting the change; I had an urge to get Jess into bed as soon as possible.

The lights in my Aunt's house were off. Aunt was obviously asleep, so I hauled Jess to her room down the end of the hallway. I switched on a bedside lamp just beside her bed, which cast scarcely enough light to see what I was doing. Her small figure cast a long shadow on the wall.

"Are you going to put me to bed?" Jess asked. "I like going to bed. I wanted to go to bed with that guy with all the stubble. He was so hot."

Ignoring what Jess said, I took down the covers of her bed, exposing the neatly folded sheets. Jess's room was neat unlike my messy room, everything was in order. And it had been almost the same since she was five years old. I always felt like my Aunt was trying to preserve Jess in a pickle jar to keep her a little girl forever. Old fashioned barbie dolls and their hinged arms on the shelves of her room, and a little dollhouse, with all the little dolls sitting around tables, now a ghost house that Jess and I had once played with as kids. I unstrapped her very high heels exposing her ankles.

I opened Jess's wardrobe and chucked them in with her other shoes. Jess was a girl of fashion, but me being so much larger than her it was a shame we couldn't fit and share our clothes. I had always had a secret fantasy of being able to wear Jess's clothes. Having part of Jess on me. Once I had taken some perfume from her room and sprinkled it on me so I could smell like Jess all day.

My eyes caught a clear box of make-up on a dresser with a mirror above it. There was something strangely erotic about the make-up.

Jess interrupted my memories.

"Undress me." Ordered Jess.

"Your very demanding." I said, half joking with her. Jess giggled.

I went back over to her bed. She was smiling at me with her eyes closed.

"Surprise me." Ordered Jess.

I pulled her lycra top away from her body, and watched it free fall into a pile on the floor. She was lying with her hands against the sides of her body. My eyes were caught on looking at her bra. Some flesh oozed out making a magnificent cleavage at the top of the bra. Her bra was white and lacy; what I'd expect of someone like her. My eyes drew a line down to her belly button, which had a gem pierced into it. Jess looked so dollish. Her skin was firm and I could see her breasts rising and falling with her breathes.

It was a challenge to take Jess's bra off when she was lying on her back, but I pulled her light body forward and undid the hooks. Her breasts were perky; but not pointy, and they didn't sink into her supine body. I let my fingers touch them as she kept her eyes closed. She giggled. I traced the outline of hearts on her breasts with my finger.

Next jess grasped my hand and drew it down to the crotch of her jeans. "Let's go down further." She said. She was giggling as I touched her skin.

I undid the zip of her tight jeans, and pulled them down her smooth legs, off her ankles, and added them to the pile on the floor. A bright yellow G-string drew attention to my eyes. I wanted a G-string like that. I pulled that off her too, exposing a landing strip of pubic hair on a bare pussy. I left her body on top of the bed naked whilst I began to undress myself.

I pulled my clothes off and left them in a pile on the floor as is in my messy nature. Lastly, I took of my small white almost translucent panties. I had shaved my pussy in the bath before the party; on the off chance I would have sex after the party.

I lay down beside her naked body. The fact she was my cousin made this even more exciting. I had only ever touched one other girl before. "You know this is wrong, Jess." I stated, hoping for her consent anyway.

"Oh lets." Jess said, "touch me like that other girl you said you once touched."

I separated her legs with my hands, as I became more and more tingly. Then I turned my body around so that our heads were at opposite ends of the bed. Jess kept giggling.

I slid one of my feet under her buttocks and then slid it all the way up her back so our legs were scissored together. I could feel her wet pussy against mine. For a moment, I just lay still, and then I began to move my pelvis up and down rhythmically so the skin between our legs rubbed up and down each other's. After a while she followed and moved her pelvis up and down too, grinding our sex together. I had swollen up between my legs with the excitement, making me extra sensitive to being able to detect her flaps of skin.

I found myself breathing deeper and deeper and could feel my heart rate accelerating, and then I was unsure if it was Jess or I, I heard some moaning in the room. I was becoming oblivious to the rest of the world with the sensation, and wanted everything faster and harder. I felt her muscles pounding in orgasm against mine. We were out of sink. Then we said nothing, and just lay there resting.

I slid my foot out from under her and got up off her bed. My eyes returned to the yellow G-string that I had left on the floor. Jess's eyes were closed, and she must have fallen in deep sleep from the orgasm. I turned the yellow G-string around the correct way, and pulled it up around my legs so that it covered my pussy. There was some wetness lining the G-string that must have been Jess's. Then I got changed back into my clothes. It was exciting, wearing such an intimate garment belonging to my cousin.

Seeing her sleeping naked body, I kissed her lightly on her forehead. She remained asleep. I pulled up the covers around her and tucked her in a little. She looked so beautiful with her blonde hair encircling her head. I wanted to be with her forever, but knew I must sleep downstairs on the sofa so things wouldn't look suspicious.

I have kept her G-string to remember her by.
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