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Yes Darling Catie Yes

My beautiful and shining and sexy lover proposed to me by leaving a comment on the story I wrote for Literotica. "Wow! Baby What Was That?" was my way of telling Catie how much I love her and the amazing sex we have. Now I'll tell everyone just how I went about accepting her proposal.

The next night when I got home from work, Catie was waiting at our apartment. She was absolutely stunning. Her tawny golden hair fell loosely about her bare shoulders and the feathery tips just brushed the low gathered bodice where her gorgeous breasts were scrunched close together swelling up from the close bustier style top, and the barest sigh escaped my lips. She knows I love how she looks in that short black dress, and she knows very well that it makes me very hot. Catie's legs, which go on forever and ever, shimmered from the lotion she'd put on, and she was wearing her strappy black high heel sandals. I stood there in the doorway breathless just gazing at this beautiful woman, my lover, and she smiled and said, "Maybe we should close the door sweetie." and her supple body brushed mine as she reached behind me and closed the door. She was wearing my favorite perfume, Allure, and my mind was swimming as her arms slipped around me and her body molded against mine.

Our lips met. The softness and warmth of her lips welcomed me home and mine parted and our tongues met in a long fluid and silky wet kiss. Catie's breasts, so full and soft, pressed mine and her hips swiveled as she pressed herself against me. My arms around her, my hands caressed her bare shoulders and back and moved down to the whisper light georgette of the ruffle skirt of her dress. Cate moaned into my mouth as my hands caressed her hips and beautiful bottom. I quickly found that she was wearing nothing at all underneath and I suddenly became very much wetter than I already was. Sliding her hand up to my neck and behind, Cate stepped back, and our lips parted. She was still so close, our lips only inches apart as she moved slowly back against the wall.

My hands now were between us and one was inching down over her thigh. Her skin felt so warm and soft through the light fabric and she shivered as I quickly moved up between her satiny thighs. Her beautifully hairless pussy was so warm and her lips were so full and puffy. She let out the tiniest little cry as my fingers slipped inside her glistening wet lips and deep inside her. Catie began slowly moving her hips against my thrusting fingers and I curled my thumb so I could roll my knuckle over her surely throbbing clit. Her hand still on the back of my neck, she pulled me hard to her and we kissed furiously as she thrust her now soaking pussy against my hand. In moments she was whimpering and moaning as her orgasm erupted. Her sweet and snug little tunnel of love squeezed hard on my fingers buried deep inside her and she slumped against me.

All the while, Catie's other hand had been rubbing me through my tight jeans and I was extremely excited and getting very wet. I need more direct stimulation and she knew that. As her orgasm subsided, I slipped my fingers from her deliciously wet and slippery pussy and right to my mouth. We each tasted her divine honey, and then Cate pushed me back against the opposite wall and quickly had my jeans off. I'd stepped out of my flats already.

"God darling you make me so fucking hot when you wear that dress!" I said huskily and I continued, "You know it makes me just want to rape you, don't you?" I whispered with a very naughty tone.

"Oh hell yes sweetie I know, and you already did rape me, so now it's my turn!" Catie was purring like a cat. "I want your taste all over me sweetie and your honey all over my lips." Cate purred again as she settled down on her knees in front of me.

Her divinely soft and gentle hands caressed in long slow movements up and down my legs. Her hands seemed to glide over my skin sending shivers through me the closer they got to my behind and my aching pussy. I was so wet now, that each time I swiveled or rocked my hips, my lips slipped in the most thrilling way back and forth. Cate was torturing me. Her caresses moved up and down my legs as I moaned and rocked my hips for that exquisite slippery rubbing my lips were doing. Finally, her hands slipped up over my hips and holding my waist, she looked up at me and smiled such an evil and erotic smile. Her lips pressed against my lace thong and her warm tongue moved in circles over my clit. It was so puffy that it was poking through the coarse lace.

"Mmmmmm, you taste so good!" Cate murmured as her tongue moved down and over my soaking lips. "I want this pussy."

Cate had my thong off in a smooth quick motion and I stepped out of them. Then she took my hand and pulled me down to the floor. We kissed again. Long and soft and lingering tongues, kissing as only two women can. Cate mumbled into our kiss, "I love you Nicole, I love you baby." And of course I moaned and said, "I love you Catherine!"

I was so ready, so very ready when her long slender fingers parted my lips and two of them slowly drove deep inside my quivering pussy. I just seemed to melt back onto the carpet of the hallway as Cate followed and my fingers entwined in her hair as her luscious mouth closed over my clit. I let out my own sudden cry now. I don't know how to explain in words the feeling as your lover's juicy warm mouth closes over your clit and her tongue tip begins it's tender probing and sliding up and down each side of your clit before lightly pressing in the hood and against your electrified button. Cate's tongue and Cate's mouth gently sucking my clit, my hands now holding her right against me, and her fingers curling up inside me driving deep and pressing up to burnish my G-spot. My gasping and moaning was getting very loud as I moaned over and over, "Yes, yes oh yes I love you, I love you!"

Cate continued to do exactly the same things with her mouth and fingers, the same speed and pressure as now I could feel the sudden rush of sensation moving through me. With such amazing heat and power, my orgasm rushed down through my tummy and I cried out knotting my fingers in Cate's hair and rocking my hips as my pussy clenched down hard on her fingers. All the stress of the day vanished in one climactic moment and when I finally was able to open my eyes, I saw my beautiful lover looking up at me. Her lips, chin and face completely wet from me and Oh My GOD that smile. She snuggled up to me and we kissed. I tasted my nectar mingling with her perfume and we kissed. Oh we kissed.

I don't remember when, but I seemed to be in the shower, then I was putting on my own short dress, and I was sitting down with Cate to a candlelit dinner she'd had waiting all the time. We held hands and smiled a lot during dinner. We took turns feeding each other, and sipping champagne from one glass. My god she is such a gorgeous woman. We talked about the trip we've been planning for ages, and about nothing and it was all so romantic and sexy. Toward the end of the champagne, Cate took my hands and held them both and kissed them both before she settled them in her lap. What a wonderful feeling, the feeling of your lover's lap under your hands. Well, that is when she asked me officially. I'd read her post on this very site, and had been very touched, but still wondered how serious she was.

Cate laid her hands over mine and looked into my eyes. "Nicole, my love for you is so uncomplicated and perfect, and you are the only woman that I need. You make me a better me and I'm intoxicated by you. You give me peace and happiness and you gave me you. So my dearest love, will you marry me?"

Well, through the tears that had been streaming over my cheeks since she'd looked into my eyes and begun, I said, "Yes oh yes my darling Catherine. Of course I'll marry you, you are my love and my angel and my friend and you've given me peace and happiness too." Sobbing though I was, she understood me. She gave me a gorgeous white gold ring with a Sapphire and two tiny diamonds on each side and we went to bed.

Maybe if I feel like telling that story, I'll describe what it is like for two women who are in love and engaged, to lie with each other for hours and hours through the night, to talk and make love and talk again and again until their bodies melt into one and the scents and warmth mingle and they sleep in love and bliss together.

Next time perhaps I will...

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